Dr. David Bellinger is Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School and Professor of Environmental Health at Harvard School of Public Health. He is also a Senior Research Associate in Neurology and a Senior Associate in Psychiatry at the Children’s Hospital Boston. He edited a textbook entitled Human Development Neurotoxicology. And he is currently President of the International Society for Children's Health and the Environment. He has served as a member of several committees of EPA, CDC, and ATSDR, as well as served as an advisor to the WHO’s Joint Expert Committee on Food Safety and chairperson to WHO’s Guidelines on the Prevention and Management of Lead Poisoning.
David Bellinger教授任教於哈佛大學醫學院及公共衛生學院,同時也是波士頓兒童醫院神經醫學及精神病學的資深研究員,他的研究領域包含神經毒理學以及兒童的環境暴露,目前是國際兒童健康與環境學會主席 (International Society for Children's Health and the Environment, ISCHE)。他是教科書Human Developmental Neurotoxicology的主編,也是多個美國及國際組織的諮詢委員,包含美國環保署(EPA)、疾病管制局 (CDC)、美國毒物及疾病管理局 (ATSDR)、WHO食品添加劑汙染物、WHO預防及治療鉛中毒指引委員會等等。 |
Dr. Tony Fletcher
(United Kingdom) Senior Lecturer, LSHTM |
Dr. Tony Fletcher works as an Environmental Epidemiologist, part time in London University at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and part time for UK Government in the Centre for Radiation Chemical and Environmental Hazards of Public Health England (PHE). He holds an honorary post, Adjunct Research Professor in Environmental Health at Boston University. He was Scientist at IARC, Lyon, and President of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) 2004 to 2005. During 2006 to 2013, he was part of the C8 Science Panel established to assess the links between Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) contamination and disease. He has over 30 years work in occupational and environmental epidemiology and risk assessment, with experience of studies of risk factors for cancer, respiratory disease, endocrine disruptors and other adverse effects along with genetic and other mechanisms.
Tony Fletcher副教授任教於倫敦大學衛生與熱帶醫學院 (LSHTM) 社會與環境健康研究所、同時是英格蘭公共衛生署(PHE, 隸屬於英國衛生部)的環境流行病學家,也是美國波士頓大學公共衛生學院榮譽兼任教師。他曾是國際癌症研究機構 (IARC) 的職業癌症研究科學家,並於2004-2005年擔任國際環境流行病學會(ISEE)主席。2006-2013年間,他是C8 的科學小組專家成員,建立PFOA污染與疾病之間的關係。他在職業環境流行病學、暴露風險評估有30年以上的經歷,研究癌症、呼吸疾病、環境荷爾蒙等遺傳機制和健康影響。 |
Dr. Eun-Hee Ha received a MD from Ewha Womans University, a MSc in Public Health from Seoul National University and a PhD in Occupational and Environmental Medicine from Catholic University. She is Professor of Preventive Medicine at Ewha Womans University and Director of Center for Mothers and Children’s Environmental Health (MOCEH). She was Visiting Scholar at Harvard School of Public Health in 1999-2000. She has also served for WHO’s Children’s Health and the Environment (CEH) and International Collaboration on Air Pollution and Pregnancy Outcomes (ICAPPO) as an advisor.
Eun-Hee Ha 教授是預防醫學專科醫師,畢業於韓國加圖立大學職業環境醫學博士班,目前任職於韓國梨花女子大學預防醫學學系,也曾是哈佛大學公共衛生學院的訪問學者。她主持韓國跨中心長期型出生世代研究Mothers and Children's Environment and Health (MOCEH),專長是出生隊列研究和兒童之環境危害的問題解決。對於國際活動也積極參與,包括WHO 的 Children’ Health and the Environment (CEH) 會議及 International Collaboration on Air Pollution and Pregnancy Outcomes (ICAPPO)。 |
Dr. Peter van den Hazel (Netherlands)
President, HEAL and INCHES |
Dr. Peter van den Hazel received his MD from University of Amsterdam. He is Co-Founder of International Network for Children’s Health, Environment and Safety (INCHES), and also President of Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) since 2012. He has received advanced training in management of non-profit organisations, epidemiology, medical statistics, radiation safety, corporate environmental care, and project management. He has coordinated several EU-funded projects, such as PINCHE, CHEST and Climate TRAP.
Peter van den Hazel醫師是國際組織INCHES (International Network for Children's Health, Environment and Safety,國際兒童健康環境網絡)的創辦人,目前也接任HEAL(The Health and Environment Alliance,歐盟健康與環境聯盟) 的主席,也是許多WHO諮詢委員會成員之一。他同時參與歐洲多個大型合作研究計畫,像是Climate TRAP、PINCHE、CHEST。因為領導大型國際組織的經驗相當豐富,他對於政策制訂、醫學統計、輻射安全、環境保護合作這些領域都相當專精。此外,他個人的研究領域還包含了兒童環境健康、化學毒物以及氣候變遷。 |
Dr. Joachim Heinrich is the Unit Head of population studies and Senior Consultant at Ludwig-Maximilians-University since 2015. He is also an Epidemiologist and Director of the Institute of Epidemiology at Helmholtz Zentrum München (German Research Center for Environmental Health). He has authored more than 700 publications and has been involved in numerous national and international epidemiological research projects examining common chronic diseases especially the relationship between air pollution and respiratory health. He has coordinated several international projects such as ENRIECO, ESCAPE and INTARESE.
Joachim Heinrich博士目前任職於慕尼黑大學,擔任資深顧問與人群研究負責人,同時也是赫慕尼黑姆霍茨中心(德國環境健康研究中心)流行病學所所長。他的數學統計背景,結合了環境及健康參數分析,已參與發表700多篇學術論文,研究領域包含長期及短期空氣汙染對健康影響、暴露評估、數據分析等等。他同時參與多項國際研究計劃,包含ENRIECO(Environmental Health Risks in European Birth Cohorts)、ESCAPE(European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects)、INTARESE(Integrated Assessment of Health Risk of Environmental Stressors in Europe)等多個國際性研究計劃。 |
Dr. Hai-Dong Kan is Professor and Director of Department of Environmental at Fudan University in Shanghai, China. He received a MD in Preventive Medicine from Shanghai Medical University and a PhD in Environmental Epidemiology from Fudan University. Also, he was Post-Doctoral Fellow of NIEHS in the US. His research focuses in air pollution and health impact and environmental epidemiology. And he is Regional Editor of Environment Health Perspectives journal, Reviewer for journals such as Lancet, JAMA and American Journal of Epidemiology. He was awarded by American Thoracic Society for David Bates Award in 2007 and China Medical Board for Distinguished Professor Award in 2011.
闞海東教授是上海復旦大學公共衛生學院環境衛生學教研室主任,於上海醫科大學醫學系取得醫科學位、復旦大學取得環境流行病學博士學位,並於2005-2007年赴美國國家衛生研究院環境健康科學研究所(NIH/NIEHS)進行博士後研究。闞教授主要研究空氣汙染對人體健康影響和環境流行病學,主持多項中國國內及國際環境健康研究計畫。闞教授同時是Environmental Health Perspectives期刊的地區編輯、Lancet、JAMA等多家國際期刊的審稿者。闞教授曾獲得中華醫學基金會傑出教授獎、美國胸腔醫學會David Bates獎等獎項。 |
Dr. Chisato Mori received a MD from Asahikawa Medical College and a PhD from Kyoto University. He spent one year as a Visiting Instructor at University of Manitoba in Canada and two years as a Visiting Associate in Laboratories of Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology of NIEHS in the US. He is Professor at Chiba University, Director for Center for Preventive Medical Sciences since 2008, Adjunct Professor at University of Minnesota in the US and Inje University in Korea. His research interests include environmental medicine and the health impact of exposure in children .He has published several books in the field of environmental medicine.
森千里教授畢業於旭川醫科大學醫學系,自京都大學取得醫學博士學位後曾到加拿大University of Manitoba及美國國家衛生研究院環境健康科學研究所(NIH/NIEHS)生殖與發育毒性研究室擔任訪問學者,目前任職於千葉大學醫學院環境生命醫學所,也是千葉大學預防醫學中心主任。祖父森於菟是臺北帝國大學改制前最後一任醫學院院長,與臺灣有很深的淵源。研究領域包含解剖學、環境醫學、兒童暴露與健康研究。出版多本著作,如Environmental contaminants and children's health、内分泌撹乱化学物質の精巣機能への影響等書籍。 |
Dr. Chang-Chuan Chan is Professor, Associate Dean and Director of Global Health Center at National Taiwan University College of Public Health. He serves as a Councilor for International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), Chair for International Society for Environmental Epidemiology–Asia Chapter (ISEE-AC) since 2015 and President of the Society for Risk Analysis in Taiwan (TSRA). He is currently involved in cross-country epidemiological studies with an international partner of ESCAPE. His research pertains to major issues of public health concern and environmental pollution.
詹長權教授為現任台大公共衛生學院副院長暨全球衛生中心主任,臺灣風險分析學會暨國際風險分析學會臺灣分會會長,並於2015年起出任國際流行病學會理事及亞洲分會會長(International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, ISEE)。詹教授長期關心並研究臺灣公共衛生及環境汙染議題,同時參與許多國內外研究及合作,包含ESCAPE(European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects)、科技部、環保署和國家衛生研究院等計劃。 |
Dr. Cheng received his MSc in Public Health and PhD in Cancer Biology from Harvard University. He was Occupational Medicine Resident at Harvard School of Public Health and Internal Medicine Resident at Brown University Memorial Hospital in the US. He has served as Director for the Department of Occupational Safety and Hygiene at National Taiwan University Hospital in 1996-1997 and Director for the Institute of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene at National Taiwan University in 2005-2011. His research interests include environmental and occupational Medicine, molecular epidemiology and inhalation toxicology.
鄭尊仁教授於哈佛大學取得公共衛生碩士及癌症生物博士學位,並在美國布朗大學紀念醫院內科及哈佛大學職業醫學科擔任住院醫師。鄭教授曾任臺大醫院安全衛生室主任、臺大職業醫學與工業衛生研究所所長,研究專長為環境職業醫學、分子流行病學、呼吸毒理、奈米健康風險及空氣污染與健康。鄭教授近年來利用老鼠即時監測所做的懸浮微粒與健康關聯相關實驗,也成為環保署制定相關政策的依據。 |
Dr. Ching-Chang Lee is Distinguished Professor, Director of Environmental Protection, Safety and Health Center and also Director of Environmental Trace Toxic substances Research Center at National Cheng Kung University. Also, he served as Government Official in Environmental Protection Agency and President for Taiwan Society of Indoor Environmental Quality. He received his PhD in Environmental Engineering from National Taiwan University. His research focuses on air pollution control, endocrine disruptor, analysis of environmental and occupational trace pollutants and risk assessment of toxic substances.
李俊璋教授為臺大環境工程學博士,曾任環保署環境衛生及毒物管理處科長,目前為成大教授和成大環境保護暨安全衛生中心、環境微量毒物研究中心主任,同時也是臺灣室內空氣品質學會理事長。李教授在空氣污染控制、微量毒物分析、內分泌干擾暴露評估等領域皆有傑出的研究表現。李教授主持的環境微量毒物研究中心是臺灣目前通過多項血液、食品中戴奧辛及多氯聯苯檢測認證之實驗室,精確度達國際水準,同時該中心在產學合作上的表現非常優異。 |
Dr. Yi-Ping Lin
林宜平副教授 (Taiwan) Associate Professor, National Yang Ming University |
Dr. Yi-Ping Lin received her bachelor and master degree in Psychology from National Taiwan University, a master degree in Bilingual Education from Boston University and later a PhD degree in Health Policy and Management. As an Associate Professor of Institute of Science, Technology and Society in Yang Ming University, her research combines her interdisciplinary knowledge of science and humanity. She is interested in Environmental Health, Social Epidemiology and Public Health History research. Also, she has involved and published plenty of RCA lawsuit case study in Taiwan. Her vivid and elaborate expression could give us a different perspective of environmental history.
林宜平副教授是臺大心理學學士和碩士,並在美國波士頓大學拿到雙語教育碩士學位。回臺灣後,投入公共衛生領域,取得衛生政策及管理研究所博士。她任教於陽明大學科技與社會研究所,是兼具人文及科學素養的學者。她的研究領域包含環境健康、社會流行病學和公共衛生歷史等領域。同時,她參與及發表多篇RCA議題文章,相信她生動且詳細的解說可以讓我們從不同的角度來觀看環境歷史! |
Dr. Ta-Chen Su
蘇大成副教授 (Taiwan) Associate Professor, National Taiwan University College of Medicine |
Dr. Ta-Chen Su is Clinical Associate Professor at National Taiwan University College of Medicine and Attending Cardiologist of Department of Internal Medicine at National Taiwan University Hospital. He has 23 years of experience in academic research and teaching in the fields of cardiovascular disease, vascular biology, dyslipidemia, and occupational and environmental health. His recent research has focused on environmental and cardiovascular health, particularly the health effects of air pollution and endocrine disrupting chemicals in various susceptible populations. He also served as a committee member in Taiwan Society of Cardiology and Taiwan Society of Hypertension and scientific committee member of Asia-Pacific Society of Atherosclerosis and Vascular Disease (APSAVD).
蘇大成醫師是臺大醫學院臨床副教授及臺大醫院內科主治醫師,同時是中華民國心臟學會和台灣高血壓學會委員,以及亞太動脈硬化性血管病學會(APSAVD)的學術委員。蘇醫師1990年畢業於成大醫學院醫學系,2005年取得臺灣大學公共衛生博士學位。蘇醫師在心血管疾病、環境職業健康領域累積二十多年的教學、學術研究和臨床經驗,最近研究聚焦於環境和心血管健康的關聯,特別是空氣汙染和內分泌干擾物質對各易感族群的健康影響。 |
Dr. Ming-Tsang Wu is Occupational Medicine Physician and Family Physician who received his PhD from Harvard School of Public Health. He is Professor, Director of Center of Environmental and Occupational Medicine at Kaohsiung Medical University. He is also Director of Occupational Medicine Center at Kaohsiung Municipal Hsiao-Kang Hospital. His interest is to examine the interactive effects of environmental and occupational exposures, genetic susceptibility, biomarkers on the health outcomes and newly-emerging environmental toxins such as melamine.
吳明蒼教授是家醫科及職業醫學科專科醫師,於1997年取得哈佛公共衛生博士學位回臺後,兼顧臨床醫學與教學研究。吳教授目前為高雄醫學大學公共衛生學系主任、臨床醫學研究所所長、環境醫學研究中心主任及高雄小港醫院環境職業醫療中心主任。吳教授的研究領域包含分子流行病學、環境暨職業醫學和社區醫學等,同時也主持如三聚氰胺、塑化劑對健康影響和多項癌症流行病學研究計畫。 |